Research Scientist
I develop concepts and detailed designs mainly for spectrographs, be it optical or infrared, high resolution or multi object. Building them, however, is the part that i really enjoy. I mostly do optical and opto-mechanical design, but as instrument scientist I speak enough of the electronics, software, data reduction, science languages that I can efficiently orchestrate the group and deliver an instrument that meets the needs of end users. I also got to work on some telescopes, corrector systems, both ground based (MMT, Magellan, GMT) and space based (TESS).
- @ MIT since 2014
- Instrument Scientist @ Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 2003-2014
- PhD in astrophysics received in 2008 from University of Szeged, Hungary
- MSc in astronomy received in 2002 from University of Szeged, Hungary
After a typical workday i have a long way to home, living 35 miles form Boston is a bit of a drag but the important upside is quite, close to nature living and that you can still see the Milky Way at night. I clear my head from work stuff and stay tuned into the world by listening to NPR during the commute, which I often do on a motorcycle as riding is my other passion. Home life is busy owning a house, fixing the cars and motorcycles, and of course the kids also keep us plenty occupied. I used to play the guitar (Baroque pieces) and sing in a choir, and while still enjoy listening to classical music i usually don’t even find the time to read a book no more… Maybe when I retire, then can get back to all that, grinding mirrors and building Dobsonian telescopes for fun again, try to build a guitar, do some astrophotography and some looooong cross-continent motorcycle adventures… The bucket list is long! Till then my secret pleasure that I manage to find some time for is photography, and making a good meal from time to time.