The sounding Rocket Experiment Demonstration of a Soft X-ray Polarimeter (REDSOX) is a sounding rocket instrument design proposal leveraging a novel X-ray polarimeter technology developed at MIT to measure polarized soft X-rays below 1keV. The demonstration of the REDSOX instrument is to show the technical readiness of its soft X-ray polarimeter as a step towards a future orbital mission. The REDSOX instrument design utilizes a novel solution of focusing optics, CAT-gratings, laterally grated multilayer mirrors, and CCDs to create a polarimeter that measures low energy X-Rays. REDSOX aim is to measure the polarization objects in space such as Blazars, quasars, and isolated Neutron stars.
Cutaway rendering of the REDSoX Polarimeter from engineering design, showing the optics at left, gratings further down in brown, the optical bench, the focal plane baffle (with three slits for dispersed events) over the pendulum valve for the detector chamber, and the back of the detector chamber with the electronics box. The gold colored gratings intercept opposite 60° sectors of focused X-rays, dispersing them through the baffle slit to the right of the central (rectangular) aperture for 0th order. For clarity, only a few mirror shells and grating groups are rendered.
Our team, working with the PI (Herman Marshall) worked to take the REDSOX polarimeter design from its concept phase up thru an engineering design. Specifically, our team leveraged its experience working on prior explorer mission proposals and engineering experience to further develop a technical design.
AIT Deliverables
- Technical engineering CAD model
- Master Equipment List (MEL)
- Power estimates for the instrument
- Management plan, Project schedule, and risk management matrix
Engineering renderings of the camera assembly, vacuum dewar, readout electronics, and
focal plane array.
Interior of the detector vacuum chamber showing almost all focal plane components:
LGMLs (magenta), CCD faces (blue), and flex-prints (gold). A black anodized CCD baffles
with a horizontal rectangular aperture restricts the view of the CCDs to its LGML.
Engineering design of an assembly of gratings for 1-section of the REDSoX Polarimeter.
The gratings are stairstepped to match the Bragg condition at the multilayer mirror. The
ribs have pins to securely position gratings below the Invar mounts and flexible arms
above to maintain location.
Grating assemblies as installed on the optical bench of the REDSoX Polarimeter.
Black Brant Launch vehicle (wikipedia)